Wednesday, April 3, 2013

         Casey is now 28!!!  He is such an old fart now!  We had a blast celebrating his birthday! We got together with his family and went to planet play,  super fun! on the day of his Birthday Casey, Kenzlee and I went to Red Lobster... yuuummmy and I also drove to his work and put a hole bunch of balloons with a gift inside and when he got home the room was covered in balloons with a treat attached to each balloon.  I got work off early and Casey took work off and we went and played disc golf.   It was a really relaxing wonderful day, (hopefully he feels the same way)....
         Kenzlee is now 4 months old!  She loves going out and hanging out with us at the park and just being outside.  She has a fiesty personality and sticks to her schedule really well.  She is walking all over the place and can hold herself up when she holds on to the couch while standing.  She is seriously so strong.  She is still sleeping until 7-8 am.  She hasn't used her binki in almost a month.  She also falls asleep whereever we put her,  as long as its nap time.   Casey is still studying for the MCAT...  Cannot wait until that is over adn then we can start doing summer activities together.
          Casey called me on april fools day and said he had a surprise for me when he got home from work.  I was kindof scared... but I got home and he planned a upcoming date for the tulip festival at thanksgiving point.  I am so excited.  I have never been.  I was really glad it wasn't anything to do with April fools day.
         I have been cooking up a storm,  well when I say cook it doesn't feel like cooking since everything I make is done in the crockpot.  I don't know how people spend hours over a stove.  I throw stuff in the crockpot and it's ready by the time I get home and it is soooo good.  Ya we are pretty much spoiled.
         Easter was a blast,  We celebrated easter on friday having a fire and roasting hotdogs and having a easter egg hunt on my side since that is when people didn't have to work.  Saturday caseys cousin was baptised and his younger brother decided to stay the night. On sunday we went to caseys side and we went up early to make breakfast and spend the day and had an easter egg hunt.

                                                      Kenzlee loved the swing!
          Carma still thinks the swing is hers even though she can swing on the big girl swing  :)
                                                  Pam had a guy come over  ;0)

Ralph just turned 1 in march and is standing and trying to walk by himself

                                                     The baby easter rabbit came to visit us
Everyone had their cameras  ;P

                                                                  Planet Play!!!

                                               She picked out her own balloon for daddy
                                               I guess she was unsure of the sign...