Monday, January 16, 2012

Oh boy,  so I am finding out that an art degree takes alot of money to buy expensive supplies!  you have to have name brand everything if you want to paint well.  Which so far I have been using the cheap 20.00 sets from like Roberts, and I thought that was expensive!   Anyway,  so yesterday Casey and I were listening to conference talks online and we listened to the Forget me not talk.  We both really love that talk!  If you haven't heard it yet it was from the relief society session by DIETER F. UCHTDORF                          

In other news I finally bought a camera bag for my awesome camera.   Its super nice and I am feeling more and more confident every time I buy something to start up my photography business.

Monday, January 9, 2012

We started school today,  I'm pretty sure I'm alot more excited then Casey is. :)  I love the classes I need to take for my major. Casey loves learning and school I just don't think he likes the waking up early part...  :P    so Caseys schedule this semester is TA (teachers assist) for biology, excercise perscription class, chemistry 2, Biomechanics, and he has joined a research team for the semester. Ya mine is a wee bit different ;)

So I went to Roberts today which was there first day of the  90% off the entire store. I went this morning after class which was about 10:30 ish (we got out early because it's the first day) and holy cow it was a mad house! I have never seen the parking lot even half full and it was completely full and then you go inside and the checkout line wrapped through the store, so I decided to come back later today and I got some awesome deals! alot of frames and mattes for my photography.  

I also forgot to mention that Casey and I went to a free Anberlin concert in salt lake.  It was before Christmas and was really fun,  we went with some friends that live down in that area.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

We went to the Zoo yesterday!  It was alot of fun. It was nice and sunny and all the animals were out and there was hardly anyone there.  we slept over in farmington and woke up with alot of snow on the ground,  it was crazy then we came back home today and there is hardly any snow here.  I guess we didn't skip over winter like I thought we were going too.  :)  

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Starting the New Year

Casey has officially graduated from Matc in the MA program! Tonight was his graduation. It wasn't to long thank goodness and they did have yummy cookies at the end. Now it's on to more school and then the Mcat and then applying to some Podiatry schools. which in the meantime he can work as a MA.
I finally got my awesome Camera! Canon eos 7d which I love love love! I would have done so much better in my first photography class if I had this camera but I did still rocked it with a point and shoot camera and got a A in the class.
Casey got a freebord which he has wanted for a while. It is really hard to do. Longboarding is a piece of cake, but we did go out with pam my sister today and got some good video of him going down some hills. If you haven't heard of freebording it's pretty much like snowboarding but on the road. It moves the same way, and you can stop compared to a longboard which you kindof have to jump and run.
oh and we also went snowmobiling over the holiday week. We went to beaver mountain ski resort down by the Idaho boarder and went out for the whole day. The snow was really deep which we didn't think there would be hardly any snow. Casey and I got stuck going up a hill and the snow got deep and we fell sideways, I was driving but I swear it wasn't my fault. :/ It was kindof scary. Here are some pics