We started school today, I'm pretty sure I'm alot more excited then Casey is. :) I love the classes I need to take for my major. Casey loves learning and school I just don't think he likes the waking up early part... :P so Caseys schedule this semester is TA (teachers assist) for biology, excercise perscription class, chemistry 2, Biomechanics, and he has joined a research team for the semester. Ya mine is a wee bit different ;)
So I went to Roberts today which was there first day of the 90% off the entire store. I went this morning after class which was about 10:30 ish (we got out early because it's the first day) and holy cow it was a mad house! I have never seen the parking lot even half full and it was completely full and then you go inside and the checkout line wrapped through the store, so I decided to come back later today and I got some awesome deals! alot of frames and mattes for my photography.
I also forgot to mention that Casey and I went to a free Anberlin concert in salt lake. It was before Christmas and was really fun, we went with some friends that live down in that area.
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